On the 28th of November 2018, Tim Wilschut received his Ph.D. degree after presenting his thesis and answering the committee’s questions. In the four years prior to this event, Tim wrote several articles for reputable journals and gave presentations at subject-related conferences all around the world. The thesis is well received by the committee, the contractor Rijkswaterstaat, and the TU/e.
Noteworthy was the presence of MIT professor Steven Eppinger. Professor Eppinger is a highly acknowledged expert on the field of design structure matrixes. In addition, the present of business relations, colleagues, family members, and friends made it a unique and unforgettable day.
At this moment Tim and his Ratio companion Tiemen are making constructive steps in setting up their business. On the same day of Tim’s promotion, the Ratio team earned a cheque from the Golden Lightbulb challenge for their innovative product. The Ratio team is now aiming for the final of this challenge. However, their main focus is on their first clients and on further developing the software.
The Ph.D. ceremony was concluded in a celebratory informal dinner in a local pub. Amongst all the apricated and rememberable presents was a large bottle of champagne and a dozen glasses for celebrating the next big success – Tiemen and Tim are confident that this bottle is going to be popped before Q2 2019.