Metal-oxide thin films have promising applications in many
energy devices such as batteries, solar cells and
electro-chemical cells. Hence, the Dutch Institute For
Energy Research (DIFFER) has commissioned the development of
a state-of-the-art pulsed-laser deposition (PLD) research
cluster containing multiple ultra-high vacuum deposition
chambers to grow films upto 4" in diameter.
Users are provided with variety of conventional and novel
in-situ diagnostics to determine film stoichiometry,
composition, thickness, opto-electrical properties and
structure in real-time. This allows one to quickly optimize
growth recipes and material properties.
The back-bone of the research cluster is being realized by
DEMCON TSST. While separate diagnostics are being realized
by third party companies.
As Ratio, we fulfill the role of system architect from
initial idea, through conceptual design, tendering, detail
design, testing and operational usage over a period of five