Systems Engineering
made practical

Ratio CASE offers innovative services and tools to structure, analyze and visualize your requirements and system architectures in support of your engineering processes.

We enable

Your systems engineering succes

System architecting

System architecting

Create and optimize rich version controlled system architectures and modularize your system to simplify interface management and prevent downstream integration issues.

Requirements management

Requirements management

Seemlesly integrate your requirements within your system architecture models to prevent inconsistencies and ensure a single-source of truth.

Product family architecting

Product family architecting

Realize customer orientated mass customization while maximizing product modularity and standardization for existing and new product families.

Change propagation

Change propagation

Visualize and interactively explore the propagation of changes through your system architectures to carefully assess the impact.


State-of-the-art open-source tools

Elephant Specification Language: Icon

Elephant Specification Language

Effectively and efficiently specify your system’s composition, interfaces, and requirements. Automatically derive and generate information-rich system architecture models and engineering documents.

Dependency Structure Matrix Models: Icon

Dependency Structure Matrix Models

Visualize, analyze, and discuss the specified system architecture using interactive Dependency Structure Matrix (DSM) models.

Optimize Modular System Architectures: Icon

Architecture optimization algorithms

Optimize modular system architectures using clustering and sequencing algorithms for better scalability and readability.


A selection from our projects


Metal-oxide thin films have promising applications in many energy devices such as batteries, solar cells and electro-chemical cells. Hence, the Dutch Institute For Energy Research (DIFFER) has commissioned the development of a state-of-the-art pulsed-laser deposition (PLD) research cluster containing multiple ultra-high vacuum deposition chambers to grow films upto 4" in diameter.

Users are provided with variety of conventional and novel in-situ diagnostics to determine film stoichiometry, composition, thickness, opto-electrical properties and structure in real-time. This allows one to quickly optimize growth recipes and material properties.

The back-bone of the research cluster is being realized by DEMCON TSST. While separate diagnostics are being realized by third party companies.

As Ratio, we fulfill the role of system architect from initial idea, through conceptual design, tendering, detail design, testing and operational usage over a period of five years.


SMART*Light is an innovative table-top synchrotron for coherent high-brightness X-rays being developed at the Eindhoven University of Technology

The x-ray source is based on inverse Compton-scattering. That is, when ultra-short laser pulses (30 femto seconds) interact with bunches of electrons traveling nearly at the speed of light, the electrons emit X-rays. These X-rays have highly desirable properties required in the development of new medicines, new materials for the energy transition, and the study and conservation of cultural heritage.

With this project Ratio cooperates with TU Delft, Eindhoven University of Technology, University of Antwerp, Ghent University, Materials innovation institute (M2i), DIFFER and VDL ETG Technology & Development B.V. The project runs for three years from the 1st of September until the 31st of Augustus 2026.


In the coming decades, Rijkswaterstaat (RWS), the executive branch of the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment, has to replace or thoroughly renovate more than dozens navigation locks. Given the substantial number of locks that needs to be renewed in a relatively short time frame, Rijkswaterstaat is developing of a productplatform for navigations locks to reduce the project duration and costs while improving the performance of their assets.

The productplatform enables one to quickly configure navigation locks and generate systems specifications that dictate which requirements apply for that specific configuration.

Ratio is involved in all aspects of the development of the productplatform. That is, the Development of the underlying data model, the platform architecture, implementation and maintenance.


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